Racial Justice NOW! had the unique honor of appearing in the Community for Just School Fund’s July newsletter. Based on the effective year long campaign to promote culturally relevant curriculum and culturally responsive schools , RJN! received a newsletter spotlight along with other grantees. Click HERE for more details.
The Communities for Just Schools Fund (CJSF), a project of the New Venture Fund, is a nationally-focused donor collaborative. CJSF provides resources in support of community led organizations that are working to ensure positive and supportive school climates that affirm and foster the success of all students.
CJSF awards grants to groups that organize young people, parents and caregivers, educators, and other community members to advocate on behalf of students who are disproportionately impacted by the over-use of exclusionary school discipline practices, including suspensions, expulsions, and arrests in schools. There are far too many students who find themselves being policed and targeted for exclusion from their schools because of flawed school policies and practices and flawed perceptions of them and their communities. The organizations supported by CJSF are local in focus and have national impact and reach. They organize community members to stand up for positive, healthy, and supportive school climates that produce better academic and social outcomes for the students who enroll than school climates with a heavy police presence, zero tolerance school discipline policies, and over-reliance on exclusionary discipline methods.
CJSF’s community partners educate students, parents and caregivers, school officials and teachers, police departments, and community leaders on highly beneficial alternatives to suspension, expulsion, and school-based arrests.