A New Semester for Dayton Public Schools & Why you should attend our upcoming parent meeting

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Dayton School board

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Racial Justice NOW! (RJN) is a community based, grassroots org led by parents pushing back on dehumanization in education.

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The second semester of the 2018-2019 school year is getting started, homework is being handed out, and tests and quizzes area around the corner. Parenting is no light way task and neither is knowing everything that goes on in your child’s school and school system. Last year was a rocky one to say the least for Dayton public schools and this year is likely to be no different. There is still the possibility of school closures (all of which were in the Black community), there is the possibility of the state of Ohio taking over the public school system (due to low test scores), and there will also be a candidate race for three school board seats. Sheila Taylor, Dr. Robert Walker, and John McManus have terms that end this year. 

All the said above, and more, is why you should follow along closely to the work of RJN! and why you should attend our upcoming parent meeting on Thursday, January 24th at 6pm. 




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