Racial Justice NOW! presents at ASCAC Conference

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Racial Justice NOW! (RJN) is a community based, grassroots org led by parents pushing back on dehumanization in education.

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In the American field of education, African history has largely been missing or misrepresented.  Despite numerous challenges and opposing forces, the tenacious efforts of a small group of educators have changed modern education as we know it.  The truths of Africans and their immense contributions to civilization have come to the forefront. One body of educational professionals, formed over 30 years ago, is the association for the study of Classical African Civilizations (<a href=”http://ascac.org/”><span style=”color: #000080;”>ASCAC</span></a>). ASCAC provides a body of knowledge that continuously contributes to the rescue, reconstruction, and restoration of African history and culture. Its purpose is to promote the study of African civilizations for the development of an African world view and its aim is to build African centered study groups and strengthen existing institutions.

<img class=” wp-image-1855 alignleft” src=”https://racialjusticenow.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/ASCAC-2.jpg” alt=”” width=”553″ height=”737″ />

In 2018 ASCAC hosted its 35th Annual Ancient Kemetic (Egyptian) Studies Conference in the great and historic city of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at the Community College of Philadelphia.  The theme was Intellectual Warfare Against the Assault on African Humanity: African Answers for a New Reality.

RJN! Director presented to attendees the organization’s <span style=”color: #000080;”><a style=”color: #000080;” href=”https://racialjusticenow.org/crctk”>Culturally Relevant Curriculum Toolkit</a></span> and made history by participating in the event. ASCAC is known around the world and now RJN! is forever linked to the organization and its mission.

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